
light at jw

light at jw
Originally uploaded by weddlen.
I was struck with the profoundness of the daylight yesterday, especially at church. As a devoted evening-service goer at JW, I'm not really used to seeing the color shining in the stained-glass windows. I've been working nights for 3 weeks now, and so staying awake all day on my weekend is amazing to experience the light. I just felt alive. I guess it's one of those things that until you've been without it, you don't realize how important it is. Thank God for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Nick its Krystal. I haven't talked to you in a while and i got your email. So i figured i would say hi. Oh we have a baby horse now. Well hey if ya want to chat you can call me on my cell its 868-4848 well i got to go.