
Sacred Space

Hello friends. I came across something that a friend shared with me and I thought was fairly significant. I can't totally tell or show you all that has led me to where I am these days, but as I found this, it has been an encouragement to me. The Lord is so good.


This is a website with a daily devotion that actually walks you through some steps of praying. Choose the "English" button (or Deutsch, or whatever language), and let it take you through. I don't know much about where this is coming from, but what I've read so far is good. I'm also looking forward to doing their Day retreat material.

May the Lord bless you today. In His tremendous grace and love,



write a letter...

Hey, if you have a few extra minutes, and about a buck-eighty, then check out this link "Send me encouragement".

This is an opportunity to mail a letter to a fellow brother/sister in the Lord who is currently being held in prison for their faith in Jesus Christ. This is an amazing opportunity to not only encourage someone, but also a possibility to be a witness to prison guards, etc. It only took me about 10 minutes to print/fold/seal. You know how good it feels to get mail!

"take my feet and let them be, swift and beautiful for Thee!"


links section below...

I finally got my links section updated, so check 'em out! If you want to that is.



a journal page from Jim's notebook

Degree of A.U.G.

Here's a little more from Shadow of the Almighty. These words seemed to have been spoken prophetically to me when I read this for the first time back my sophomore year at Jewell. And yet, they are still as convicting and moving to me now as they were then.

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Many a freshman entering college has no clear idea of what he is there for. Vaguely, it is to "get an education," but many have done this without college, and many have gone to college without getting educated. The idea of education presents itself to the freshman in a bewilderingly vast variety of forms...


When Jim entered Wheaton College in Illinois in the fall of 1945, his goal was clear. First of all, he had committed himself entirely to God and recognized the discipline that this commitment would involve. "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." This automatically eliminated many problems, and many "good" things, in order to give place to those which furthered his purpose. Other students, however, lacking a defined primary aim, often pursued too many of the secondary ones presented to them.


Sept. 1946
"The acquisition of acacemic knowledge (the 'pride of life') is a wearing process and I wonder now if it is all worth while. The shiny paint laid on by curiosity's hand has worn off. What thing better can a man know than the love of Christ, which passes knowledge? Oh to be revelling in the knowledge of Him, rather than wallowing in the quagmire of inscrutable philosophy!"


February 22, 1947
"My grades came through this week, and were, as expected, lower than last semester. However, I make no apologies, and admit I've let them drag a bit for study of the Bible, in which I seek the degree A.U.G., 'approved unto God.'"

Oh, that more of us would seek that in our lives, in school or in our jobs, or wherever we find ourselves. As you'd expect, there are also many things he said about missionary life that have been transforming for me to read...

"90% of the people who volunteer for the mission field never get there. It takes more than a 'Lord, I'm willing!'"

"Mexico has stolen my heart. We've been here a fortnight and they have invited me to stay as long as I wish. Right now I almost wish it were for life...
The Lord has been good to me in bringing me here and giving this brief opportunity to see the field and hear the language a bit. Missionaries are very human folks, just doing what they are asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt Somebody."



the right way

taken from Shadow of the Almighty, by Elizabeth Elliot, some words about Jim's parents...early 1930's

"They wanted the best for their children ('except money, which can become a curse,') and gave it to them -- spiritually as well as physical care, and all other good things they could offer. If the child failed to appreciate the need for spiritual guidance, he probably failed, too, to see the need for physical rest when bedtime came around, but the parents guided him just the same, to God, as well as to bed."

a little later...

Obedience and honesty were stressed above all else in the discipline of the chidlren, while mischief was sometimes winked at and sometimes reproved with a brief scolding. [Jim's parents] made an issue of nothing unless they intended to carry it through, believing that empty threats were dishonest and ruinous to a child's sense of justice. Fred Elliot (Jim's Dad) administered the more serious punishments, occasionally postponing a spanking in order to give it in private. When the children reached the age of fourteen, they were told that from then on they were responsible to the Lord for their actions, since they had accepted Him as Savior and Lord of their lives. "And don't ever think you'll get by with something because we don't know about it," their mother told them. "God knows, and has His own way of punishing."