plumbing the depths of health care issues (and the occasional funny thing too!)
A Unique Advent Calendar
This is the same NASA technology utilized by Louie Giglio for the Indescribable Tour (if you haven't seen it, click here).
Merry Christmas. Click Here For Calendar.
Merry Christmas. Click Here For Calendar.
"Baby, You're Home!"

A well presented article in the New York Times newspaper, on the rise of home-births, especially in New York City, due in part to Ricki Lake's documentary, The Business of Being Born (available on Netflix), which highlights very well both the realities of being born at home and the hospital. It's a must see, even for all you guys out there, you gotta see this stuff, you owe it to your woman, and yourself.
Also, along similar lines, research out of Sydney, Australia, from the Mother & Child Health Research (MCHR) of La Trobe University, states that inducing labor (or labour, if you're an Aussie) in uncomplicated pregnancies can be risky for both mom and baby. Having labor induced (artificially speeding up uterine contractions w/ the use of drugs) leads to the following risks...
The risk of haemorrhage following induced labour was increased by 17 percent, of an instrumental delivery by 20-70 percent, of nursery care for the infant by 24 percent and active resuscitation by 15-100 percent, depending on the method of induction, said a La Trobe release.
The risk of a caesarean was between two and four times more likely after induction.
...and the researcher "believes that many of the labours were induced for reasons of convenience rather than for any medical indications..."
Our mothers and babies are worth more than what is typically offered to them in the current medicalized system of childbirth. We need to learn, to study, and to demand and choose something better for them.
Peace. -nW
Brett Dennen - Ain't No Reason (Official Single Video)
One of my new favorites, and this song gets me thinking about this Advent season, w/ our thoughts on the 'other' and what it means to me, to you and to us. Great song. He's coming to Lawrence, KS, in March, who wants to go w/ me? It's already on my calendar.
5 Dangerous Things to Let Your Kids Do
Prominent Physician Advises Against Flu Shots
Dr. Donald Miller, a cardiac surgeon and Professor of Surgery at the University of Washington, recommends avoiding the flu shot and taking vitamin D instead. According to Dr. Miller, “Seventy percent of doctors do not get a flu shot.”
Health officials say that every winter 36,000 people will die from it. But the National Vital Statistics Reports compiled by the CDC show that only 1,138 deaths a year occur due to influenza alone -- more than 34,000 of the “36,000″ flu deaths are actually pneumonic and cardiovascular deaths.
There is also a lack of evidence that young children benefit from flu shots. In fact, a systematic review of 51 studies involving 260,000 children age 6 to 23 months found no evidence that the flu vaccine is any more effective than a placebo. But there is also a risk of harm from the flu vaccine itself, particularly from the mercury, aluminum, and formaldehyde it contains.
Dr. Miller also has opinions about the vaccine schedule for kids... see it here
"The Seriousness of Highschool..."
This is a good example of what makes Family Guy a very good show.
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