Please check out this video about Max's recovery... and it has good music too...
plumbing the depths of health care issues (and the occasional funny thing too!)
Church Marketing... and Starbucks?

Check out this video - - "What If Starbucks Marketed Like a Church" --
What a good representation of the stupid things that Christians (...can I say American Evangelicals!) have done for so long that make people feel isolated, different and not really welcome... When did these things seem like a good idea?
Gulf War Syndrome Finally Tied to Toxic Chemicals!

Key statements from an article in the Washington Post,
" said Lea Steele, scientific director of the Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses
"It is very clear that Gulf War illness is a real condition that was not caused by combat stress or other psychological factors,
"Speculation about the causes of Gulf War illness has included exposure to depleted uranium munitions, vaccines, nerve agents and oil well fires."
"When you put all the evidence together there are two chemicals that jump out as the main causes," she said. One is a drug called pyridostigmine bromide, which is a cholinesterase inhibitor that was given to the troops to protect them against nerve gas.
"It turns out that people who took those pills have a higher rate of Gulf War illness," Steele said. "And people who took more pills have even higher rates of Gulf War illness."
In addition, soldiers were exposed to pesticides that were also cholinesterase inhibitors, Steele said. "The strongest evidence points to pyridostigmine bromide and pesticides as causal factors," she said. "This type of illness has not been seen after other wars."
::::: Thoughts From Nick ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
It's relieving to see that they have finally addressed this problem that has done so much damage to the lives of over 175,000 soldiers and their families. The article also briefly mentions the anthrax vaccine which they say wasn't a likely causal agent, however, the vaccine issue is a very serious one, due to the # of vaccines they administer to the soldiers, who have no ability to opt out, regardless of their concern - - basically there's a 100% vaccine rate. I don't have any experience in military stuff, but i am looking forward to offering chiropractic care to those men and women who are serving, and providing them w/ much needed care that is still very scarce in the VA healthcare programs.
RX Drugs 4th Leading Cause of Death in US

It's no joke. Properly administered and properly prescribed pharmaceutical drugs are the 4th leading cause of death in the US, according to the FDA -- click Here for the article...
Here's a breakdown...
-- that's 106,000 deaths per year. When illegal drugs kill only about 10,000 people each year, you know this is a problem.
-- from January-to-March this year, there were almost 21,000 reports of serious drug reactions to the FDA, and 4,800 deaths - - 4,800 People died in 3 months due to correctly prescribed drugs!
We are in the middle of a huge paradigm change in the US. People are realizing the deadly affect of our medically-minded 'health'-care system (or sick-care system, if you prefer). Our current system is based on the premise of irradicating and treating disease. So, if you do not have a disease, or yet to have one, then the system can do nothing for you. It cannot by principle help you to be 'healthier,' cause all they do is treat disease. The American Cancer Society and others use the words "prevention" and "cure" in much of their literature, when what they are talking about is 'screening' for cancer (mammography, etc...). Is that insane? How is screening preventative or curing? For you to detect cancer in your body, it's already been there growing for years! Well, this makes perfect since if the system is based solely on treating disease, and not about BEING HEALTHY. Perhaps there should be significant emphasis on eating a healthy diet, avoiding unnatural foods, chemicals, etc... but I guess there really isn't any money in that industry, at least not if you're a doctor or drug company! May we be apart of the solution to this system! Health to you!
Advertising Drugs - Illegal Everywhere but US & New Zealand

This is an interesting word on Pharm companies and advertising - and even their influence into the presidential elections... Good short video...
......Click Here
What's really causing the problems?

Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy have been in the spotlight lately for the "Green Our Vaccines" campaign, highlighting the problems w/ the toxic ingredients in vaccines. Many people I've spoken with don't realize that the danger of vaccines is mostly related to the chemical ingredients added to the actual dead virus or whatever (even despite the direct injection into the blood stream instead of through a natural entrance into the body).
Here is an article from the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons regarding the known toxin, mercury.
Thimerosal, which is approximately 50% mercury, was widely used in childhood vaccines. A 2-phase study evaluated levels of mercury to which children were exposed through thimerosal-containing vaccines, such as the diphtheria-tetanus-acellular-pertussis and the diphtheria-tetanus-whole-cell-pertussis vaccines, compared with those who received thimerosal-free diphtheria-tetanus-acellular-pertussis vaccines. The data showed that the children vaccinated with the thimerosal-containing vaccines had higher rates of speech disorders, autism and heart arrest overall, and "the relative risk of each of these disorders correlated with increasing doses of mercury contained in the childhood vaccines." The researchers have said that their data are consistent with the U.S. Department of Education's recent report on the prevalence of childhood diseases among school-aged children. The researchers stated that this report showed that rates of autism and speech disorders in children rose as the levels of mercury in vaccines increased, while showing no correlation between mercury exposure and other disorders such as deafness, blindness, or orthopedic impairment. These researchers reviewing the CDC's Phase 1 thimerosal Vaccine Safety Datalink study found a correlation between increasing mercury levels in vaccines and neurologic disorders, autism, speech disorders and attention deficit disorders. The researchers stated, "A causal relationship between thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines and neurodevelopment disorders and heart disease appears to be confirmed." The researchers further stated, "It is to be hoped that complete removal of thimerosal from all childhood vaccines will help to stem the tragic, apparently iatrogenic epidemic of autism and speech disorders that the United States is now facing." ---- "Study: Thimerosal/Autism Link 'Seems to be Confirmed,'" Autism Res Rev Int, 2003;17(1);1-2 / J Am Physicians Surgeons, Spring 2003;8(1):6-11.
Also, mercury is not the only toxic chemical still found in vaccines (Yes, although they say it's no longer included, there still are 'trace' amounts that they consider negligible, Click here for article). Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Antifreeze, and sulfate and phosphate compounds, just to name a few from a long list, are all KNOWN TOXINS TO OUR BODY. These must be considered when our infants are scheduled to have at least a dozen vaccines before the age of TWO.
Does School Kill Creativity?

Check out this short video from about Education and Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson. It is both humorous and enlightening. Click Here!
"...there is not a Sin I won't commit this day..."
A good prayer from yesterday...
"Lord, I want to be serious in following you, but I do not trust myself. I pray with Philip Neri, 'Lord, beware of this _________ (insert your name here) or he will betray you. Lay your Hand upon my head, for without you there is not a sin I may not commit this day.'"
"Lord, I want to be serious in following you, but I do not trust myself. I pray with Philip Neri, 'Lord, beware of this _________ (insert your name here) or he will betray you. Lay your Hand upon my head, for without you there is not a sin I may not commit this day.'"
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