Here is an
article from the British Medical Journal discussing the influenza vaccine. How can a state like New Jersey make the Flu vaccine mandatory w/ medical research and information this blatantly clear? Evidence VS. Policy... hmmm?
I was thinking about how the CDC says that "the best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated." All I can think about is the absurdity of a statement like that. So, if that is true, then it seems like the following are true as well...
...the best way to keep our lawns 'looking healthy' is to just paint them green;
...the best way to keep germs away from us is to live in a bubble;
...the best way to prevent our kids from acting badly is to follow them around all the time;
...the best way to prevent forest fires is to cover all the trees in a flame-retardant chemical;
...the best way to prevent men from wanting to have sexual relations w/ young girls is to iron (flatten out) her breasts, so men will be less interested... [this is currently happening in parts of the world, Africa, etc.]
For a more complete look at the ridiculous-ness of these types of statements, please watch a
short video about the town of "Allopath" - a farce on the allopathic model of health care.
"I'm no doctor (yet), BUT IT SEEMS that..." by being healthy, our bodies can do a better job of preventing a multi-day experience w/ the flu virus. I've not had it in nearly a decade, and working at QT, and exchanging dirty bills and contacting hundreds of peoples dirty hands, I'm sure to have come across it many a times. How is that possible, cause I've never had a Flu Vaccine? Yet, it still SEEMS to be the best way. I guess for me, I'll avoid the mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, and chicken embryo being injected into my body... at least while I have the right to decide.
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